The date of submission of full paper with abstract has been extended to comply with the request of potential delegates. |
The full paper (within 5000
words) With abstract (within 400 words) to be submitted before
September 30, 2011 to the IconSWM Secretariat via e-mail: conference.swm2010@gmail.com / iswmaw@gmail.com.
Details are available in www.iconswm.org and www.iswmaw.com.
Full text of papers within 5000 words written in English in MS
Word 12pt times roman font size containing the title of paper,
references, author/ (s) name, address, phone/mobile, fax, e-mail
id etc. must be sent in MS Word format 2003 or 2007 in editable
form to the Secretariat. |
The acceptance of the abstract/ paper will be received by the author within 7 days from the date of receipt of the abstract/ paper by the IconSWM Secretariat. Papers will be peer reviewed to ensure high quality & thematic consistency. Accepted and registered full papers will be published in the proceedings of the IconSWM 2011 (CD version). Some selected papers will be published in the journal of International Society of WM, Air and Water. Some reviewed papers may be recommended for submission to related international journals that are in cooperation with IconSWM. |
Duration of paper presentation : 15 minutes. |
Publications and Presentations
Authors are assumed to give consent and authorize the Organiser to publish
the abstract and full presentation paper, and to include them in any Conference
All the papers received will be reviewed and selected papers will be published
in a special issue of Journal of ISWMAW.
English is the official language and will be adopted in all the publications and presentations. |
Important notice
Each accepted paper (oral presentation or poster) should be accompanied by one registration (full or student).
Each fully register participant (excluding students) may present up to two papers (oral presentation or poster)
Conference topics for papers
The IconSWM consists of plenary sessions of invited speakers, leaders in waste management field , followed by parallel sessions. The themes of discussion include, A: Policy and Regulatory Framework on SWM Sustenance, B: Waste-to-energy, Technology and Innovative waste solutions, C: Economic Instrument and Financing Methodsand D: Best Practices, PPP Models, Case Studies & international cooperation. Conference topics for papers as follows: |
SWM Policy, Rules and international cooperation |
Municipal Solid Wastes composition and Waste characterization |
Waste Recycling |
Waste-to- energy, Energy recovery and thermal treatment |
Customized Waste management solution for East & North eastern India |
Industrial Waste, Bio-medical, Household & Construction Waste |
Plastics Waste, E-waste, Cattle Waste, Slaughterhouse waste |
Primary & Secondary collection and segregation |
Transfer Station and Landfill, Regional & shared landfill |
Composting & biological treatment, Chemical & Bio chemical treatment |
Integrated waste management & Employment Generation |
Development of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for SWM |
Climate change, Carbon Footprints, zero waste, CDM, GHG emissions |
Public Private Partnership (PPP) for waste management |
Case studies, Best Practices of SWM in ULBs, City Councils |
Technology - Machineries and equipment |
Stakeholder participation - Rehabilitation & Public Awareness |
Workers participation & education in unorganised sector handling MSW |
Waste Management in Real Estate |
Waste Avoidance, Waste reduction, reuse and segregation |
Economics & future business potential through Waste Management |