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IconSWM 2014 Excellence Award for ULBs in 4 categories (For below 1 lac, 1 to 4 lacs, above 4 lacs to 10 lacs and above 10 Lacks population.): Benchmarked competition for ULBs by voluntary participation. Through participation and feedback many of the participating ULBs have improved in MSW & Municipal Governance. Interested ULBs are to send the filled in Questionnaire by 10.10.2013 along with fee of Rs. 15,000/-. Selection will be made through 2-tire assessment. Citation and plaque will be given in the Inaugural session to selected ULBs. ULB will bear the expenses of traveling & accommodations of the assessment committee. One delegate will be allowed to register in IconSWM at free of cost of the award recipients in the final round, .
Category I – Above 10 lakh population
Category I I– between 4 and 10 lakh population
Category III– between 1 and 4 lakh population
Category I V– below 1 lakh population

Selection will be made through 2-tire assessment. Citation and plaque will be given to awardees in valedictory session. Cost of travel & accommodation of assessors for field visits for selected ULBs in the second round of assessment in the competition will be borne by respective ULB.

IconSWM Excellence Award for papers : Based on the performance of presenting authors on presentation and content of papers, awardees will be selected in “Young Scientist” and “General” category.

IconSWM Excellence Award for industries in Small, Medium & Big category :
Interested industries are to send the filled in Questionnaire by 10.10.2013 along with fee of Rs. 30,000/- in categories for turnover up to Rs. 10 Cr., Rs. 50,000/- for 10 to 50 Cr., and Rs. 1,00,000/- for above 50 Cr. Selection will be made through 2-tire assessment. Citation and plaque will be given in the valedictory session. Industry has to bear the expenses of traveling & accommodations of the expert committee for assessment. The Award Category will be for Small, Medium & Big Industries separately to cover all sizes of industries.

IconSWM Excellence Award for Authors and presentations : Based on the performance of presenting authors in presentation and content of papers, awards will be selected in “Young Scientist” and “General” category.

IconSWM Excellence Award for temples: Based on the performance in SWM and evaluation process by organising committee, Award will be given to the Temples.

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