The entry fee for the Award competition for all categories of ULBs, Industries, Educational/ Research Institutes and housing complex : INR 20,000/-
payable along with the filled in Award application Questionnaire, available in at Submit filled in questionnaire online or to the ISWMAW HQ Kolkata or IconSWM
2016 local office at kolkata / CMAK Bangalore before 15.08.2016 by email in soft copies. Selection will bemade through 2-tire assessment - First Round document assessment and Second Round in
situ assessment at the field . The organizations will have to bear the expenses of traveling & accommodation of the two member assessment committee in the second round of
assessment . Citation and plaque will be given in the Inaugural / valedictory programme to the selected organizations.
Prize Money : The Ulb, Industry, Housing Complax and RdD/University Placed in 1st Position will be given an Award Money of Rs. 25000/- each. |