Brochure & Other Details of the 9th IconSWM 2019 will be posted soon.
The authors of the papers and who presented the paper in 8th IconSWM are requested to revise the paper, if needed, and perform similarity check and make ready for submission for publication in Books and Special issue me of Journals. The submission date is 15.01.2019 to email/iconswm.review@gmail.com. No paper will be accepted for Books or Special issue of journal after 15.1.2019.
1. 8th IconSWM 2018 Programme Book (Pdf)
2. Program Schedule of 8th IconSWM (Pdf , Docx)
3. Brochure
4. Abridged Brochure
5. Industry - IconSWM excellence award (Pdf , Docx)
7. Recycler - IconSWM excellence award (Pdf , Docx)
7. ULB - IconSWM excellence award (Pdf)
8. Template of full paper for submission.
9. Exhibition layout and booking details (Pdf , Docx)
10. IconSWM-ISWMAW, Vijayawada Partnership Research Grant for universities in AP Application Form (Pdf , Docx)
13. Download Certificates
In case you find difficulties, you are simply requested to submit by sending the paper through email : 8thiconswm.conference@gmail.com & iswmaw@gmail.com
Online abstract and full paper submission link : https://easychair.org/cfp/8th-IconSWM2018
Revised last date of submission of Abstract & Full paper : 30/09/2018
*Early bird discount 10% allowed upto 22/09/2018 on registration fee, sponsorship charge, exibition stall booking charge and award competition entry fee
Technical Paper Submission : Submit Abstract in 300 words and the Full paper by 22/09/2018 online to EasyChair link below within 4000 words with in maximum 9 pages A4 size, 11 font Times New Roman in English in MS Word containing the title of paper, author/(s) name, address, phone/mobile, fax, e-mail id
etc., references. Copy of abstract and the full paper may also be sent to: 8thiconswm.conference@gmail.com / iswmaw@gmaill.comfor reference . For details visit :www.iswmaw.com. Papers will be peer reviewed to ensure high quality & thematic consistency. All accepted full papers with registration fees paid by 30/09/2018 will be published in the conference
proceedings (CD version). Special issues of journals WM&R, IJMC&WM, IJESM and Springer book will be , published. Presentation: 12 minutes . The IconSWM2018 will have Keynote and Plenary speeches by experts followed by parallel sessions by invited speakers and speakers of contributed papers from academia, industry, government, ULBs, R&D Institutes and NGOs. Paid registered author can present two papers/posters. Online submission
link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=8thiconswm2018
Click the link and create an account in EasyChair and submit the abstract/ full paper. Keep the record of your login details.
Post-Conference Training on 25th November 2018 and Post-Conference Field Visit on 25th November 2018: Please register for the Post-Conference Training and PostConference Field Visit by sending mail : 8thiconswm.conference@gmail.com
Conference & Exhibition Date : November, 22 to 24, 2018 |
Pre Event of 9th Regional 3R Forum : The 8th IconSWM 2018 has been declared by the UNCRD as the official side event of the high level intergovernmental 9th Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the pacific to be held at Bangkok,Thailand.
Venue : Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Guntur, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Submission Form (upload section) |
Download Document (Download Section) |
Award Section |
Exhibition |